Using the Virtual Lottery Feature
Lotto Sorcerer only handles lotteries that draw one time per day. However, Lotto Sorcerer's unique Virtual Lottery feature lets you join one or more separate lotteries into one lottery.
Why would you want to do this? Perhaps you would like your Midday Pick 4 and Evening Pick 4 joined together for analysis and suggestion of numbers to play.
Step One: Setup the first lottery you want to join in the Lottery Setup Wizard
In this tutorial, we are going to join Michigan's Midday Daily 3 and Evening Daily 3 into the Virtual Lottery "Michigan Daily 3 (VL)".
Step Two: Setup the second lottery you want to join in the Lottery Setup Wizard
If you have additional lotteries to add to the virtual lottery, you can keep repeating step #2 until finished.
Step Three: Launch the Virtual Lottery Setup Wizard
Use Lotto Sorcerer's menu item "Lottery Structure > Virtual Lotteries > Virtual Lottery Setup Wizard". The Virtual Lottery Setup Wizard will open.
Step Four: Select the lotteries you want to join
We want to join the two Daily 3 lotteries into one virtual lottery, so we select both Daily 3 lotteries by checking their checkboxes; then we click the "Create" button.
The Virtual Lottery you created is now in the Main Window's lottery dropdown list:
Note that there are two drawings per day listed. This is the significance of a virtual lottery; regular lotteries can only have one drawing per day, but virtual lotteries can have more than one drawing per day.
There is no limit to the number of lotteries that you can join together into a virtual lottery. However, it may be impractical to create a virtual lottery from hundreds of separate lotteries... for example, some keno lotteries draw once every five minutes (or 720 separate lotteries per day). It would be a challenge to keep all of the lotteries updated.
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